"hate media"
"Prime Minister Harper is trying to push American-style hate media onto our airwaves"...So starts an online petition to stop a new conservative-style channel from being broadcast in Canada. One has to wonder sometimes whether a large section of the population understands the meaning of words such as *democracy*, *liberty* and *choice* One of the objections mentioned in the petition (aside, naturally, from the sense of loathing towards anything that isn't perceived as "progressive") is that this new channel would be partly funded by cable fees, thus financially obligating even those who vehemently oppose such a channel.
Well, I have news for the objectors. There already exists a TV and radio network in Canada, funded not just by cable fees but by our tax dollars. The network is called the CBC. Is it not conceivable that I object to this compulsory CBC participation in the same way the petitioners object to the proposed right wing channel? While I never watch CBC TV (except for play-off hockey), I do occasionally listen to CBC radio, some of which is intelligent and well presented. I would prefer for it to run along the lines of NPR/PBS in the States (i.e. corporate donations, some minimal advertising/sponsorship + audience membership) - but be that as it may, I am not overly exercised about paying my $40 annually for the CBC - or whatever my tax portion may be.
As for the expression "American style hate media" - this speaks much more to the ignorance of the petition creators than to the actual nature of the channel being proposed. First of all, as someone who lives in the U.S. a few months each year, FOX news is not "hate" media. "Der Stuermer" was hate media. "Pravda" was hate media. FOX is occasionally silly, often over the top and, admittedly, does employ some borderline nutbars, such as Mr. Beck. But overall, their programming is no more "hate" filled than CNN or MSNBC. I have absolutely no idea where this notion comes from, aside from complete ignorance.
Lastly: if you don't want to watch it, TURN IT OFF. The petition makes it seem like Mr. Harper is somehow foisting this channel upon our collective minds, shoving it down our throats while we're gagging, begging for mercy and pleading for another 24 hour CBC channel (the one we have commands about 6% of audience share, btw)
Grow up people! This country is about liberty, choice and tolerance. Try to be tolerant of views you don't like and simply switch the channel, why don't ya!