My poor dog was neutered a couple of days ago. Sigrun and I both feel rotten about it. We feel guilty for violationg the poor guy's complete trust in us and subjecting him to a painful procedure. Plus he came home smelling really bad from the two nights spent at the vet clinic - I guess it's the smell of other dogs, of medication, the aneasthetic and who knows what else. He oscilates between high energy and total exhaustion. He lies down at weird moments and unusual places in the house. He always used to seek shady corners and would rest on his cushion in the living room but now he just plops himself down on the kitchen floor, looks sad for a while, then falls asleep.
I know it's probably just a question of a few days and he'll bounce right back! Even now, the sadness is more in our perception than in his behaviour. Plus all the vets we consulted (three of them) recommend neutering without any reservation. No chance of testicular cancer and way, way less chance of Hugo sprinting away to chase a female in heat and getting run over by a car
Still...poor guy! And he's wearing that stupid cone collar which makes him look like an Elizabethean lady-in-waiting. It's a good thing that the weekend forcast calls for rain. We will just snuggle up inside and wait for his woulds to heal. Woof!