Thursday, March 17, 2005

where's the justice?

Incredible news out of Vancouver last night: the two men accused of the worst terrorist atrocity in Canadian history, the bombing of Air India flight 182 in 1985 were acquitted by the judge. Hizzonor cited police incompetence in his 600 page judgement, as well as a string of suspicious and corrupt witnesses as the main reason for the acquital. It's a travesty - I simply cannot imagine what the victims' families must be going through right now. To relive the terrible time 20 years ago when their nearest relatives, their children, their parents, their siblings were blasted out of the sky just as dawn was breaking off the coast of endure almost twenty months of tortured testimony only to hear the words "not guilty", words that will no doubt perpetuate their nightmare forever.

There had been wrangling among Canada's security agencies, botched investigations, shredded documents, shady witnesses and who knows what else. The upshot is that well over three hundred people had been murdered by terrorists and their murders go unpunished....

This country is adrift. Aimlessly steered by successive idiotic Liberal governments who do not even begin to understand the scourge of terrorism. Governments mired in financial scandals - that the public seems indifferent to, otherwise how could they possibly re-elect these crooks? We shout and protest when the Americans call us naive and weak-kneed but that's exactly what we are. We cannot even mete out the justice that the families deserve and we are unable to show the murderers that their acts will not be tolerated here. March 16 is a sad day indeed in the annals of Canadian jurisprudence and a sad day for all of us who want to see "the true North strong and free!"

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Pangs of bad conscience rock my very innards....I have been remiss in following the commandment THOU SHALL BLOG DILLIGENTLY

Life has been progressing on a fairly even keel, which in my case means alternating between mild depression ("today is bad but it's not as bad as yesterday") and mild anxiety ("today is bad but it's not as bad as tomorrow"). These moods are occasionally interspersed with moments of euphoria while performing a concert that really clicks or watching a particularly good episode of The Simpsons. I can generally say that The Simpsons are the distillation of pure genius and the fact they are actually very popular warms the very cockles of my heart - especially when you stop to consider that acts like The Barenaked Ladies or Jessica Simpson are popular, too.

Seems that someone has hacked into a discussion forum I am a member of and stole a bunch of email addresses which resulted in me coming home last night, opening my email and finding four copies of a cheerful YOU WILL DIE SHORTLY message in my inbox. Since we are all going to die shortly it wasn't much of a threat but enough to almost make me choke on my ham and asparagus sandwich (" there nothing it can't do?")

Spring is here! How do I know? Because the average snow bank is only three feet high now and it's sunny and a blazing minus 3 out (ok, I'm lying, it did actually climb above zero today) Yahoo!! Soon heat and humidity will be here, hallelujah, praise the Lord

Which reminds me of Benny Hinn (" DEVIL - OUT!!!! ") The man is a genius. Anyone who can bilk thousands of people out of untold millions of dollars with THAT haircut has my respect.

Sallam aleykum