Friday, October 12, 2007

first I laughed....

....then I cried, then laughed again. Al Gore, that swollen blob of self-righteousness, the man whose house burns more electricity than the capital of Iceland, the man who flies around in a private jet, then spreads fear and panic about "climate change" (yes, I'm using quotes. If the war on terror is the "war on terror", then fugging climate change is "climate change"), this greasy snake oil salesman has won the Nobel Peace Prize. Exactly how has Al Gore contributed to world peace? I wasn't exactly thrilled when the grizzled old terrorist Arafat won it - but at least the world perceived him as a contributor to peace (as opposed to the killer of children which was his real avocation) His prize was a recognition of that perception. But Al Melting Icebergs Gore? Like so much else in our lives, the Nobel Piss Peace Prize has become a meaningless tool of political correctness, a symbol of an age where calling things for what they are must be avoided at all costs but no political capital is spared at carressing the egos of those who seem to be advancing the fashionable causes. Congratulations, Nobel Piss Peace Prize committee! You have done yourselves proud. You can now sleep soundly in the knowledge that thanks to Al Gore, piss peace will now spread around our planet like a soft blanket of pacifist dreams. And no trees will die in the process.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

America is a weird and wonderful place. Most big cities are great, full of energy and innovation. The country is a different story altogether: a throwback to the 19th century - guys with long hair and tattoos, rifles slung over their shoulder (well, ok, we only saw one with a rifle but still...) As I have written before, it's a very self-contained world. And what's with all the incredibly overweight people? You never see any of them on "Grey's Anatomy"! The hotel clerk at the last hotel we were staying at was a complete moron. "No, I cain't change yo reservation - if you made it over the innernet" "Do you have any non-smoking rooms available?" "I cain't change yo reservation - if you made it over the innernet" "Well, I couldn't have possibly booked a smoking room, since I quit smoking in 1984" "I cain't change yo reservation - if you made it over the innernet" "How about if I pay you extra for it?" "I cain't change yo reservation - if you made it over the innernet" Maybe he was just a robot with a greasy forehead and zits to make him look human.

The drive home was tiring but beautiful. Once again, we passed through stunning mountains and some historic Civil War battlefields in Virginia, along route 250 - the most gorgeous scenic route you can imagine, especially in early October on a sunny day. Probably not recommended in the winter, though: very twisty, steep climbs and sharp curves.

Surprisingly, the wait at the Canadian border wasn't too long. As soon as we crossed the border, we headed for the nearest Swiss Chalet. It was delicious. Toronto looks like a huge concrete megalopolis compared with anywhere in the South. There are fewer trees here and no mountains. But boy, oh boy, one visit to Loblaws and you know we are a "world class city" :)

Pics from the trip to be found here: