Thursday, July 14, 2005


My God, it's HOT ....check out the minimum temperatures for Toronto on the Environment Canada website. Not the max! The minimum - i.e., the coolest temps in a 24 hour cycle. Yessiree Bob, it gets down to 24 degrees roundabout dawn and that's as cool as we get in these parts. During the day it's bake time in 33, 34, 35 degrees C (around 100 F). Not counting the humidex, of course. Did the guy who invented A/C get a Nobel prize? I sure hope so. I cannot imagine what people do without A/C in their apts and cars. Oh, well, only a couple of months till first frost. I read somewhere that Montreal (Toronto can't be far behind) has the largest seasonal swings of any major city in the world. From +35 in the summer to -30 (or less) in winter. That's it for today, I'm going to have another tall glass of cool lemonade!

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

sign of the times

Here's a banner courtesy of Mustafa Kurtuldu from London! (found on Harry's Place blog) Perhaps not much less naive than the "Make Poverty History" platitude but nevertheless a serious call to arms. Whereas "Make Poverty History" asks our governments to pony up more tax dollars, this banner simply asks us to recognize our reality and to fight attempts at obscuring it. Resist the usual suspects' blathering about root causes and indulging in affluence induced self-flagelation. Recognize this menace for what it is and fight it whichever way you can: being prepared and not living in denial is a good start!