Saturday, January 07, 2006


My New Year resolutions really just amount to a fine-tuning of some plans and dreams. I am fairly happy with 2005. I managed to complete some interesting projects and to start some new ones. If that's what I can do in 2006 - I'm a happy camper. Therefore, I prefer to drop the "re" from resolutions and arrive at solutions. It's a more manageable situation to be in. I'm completing a CD right now with my band, Swing Noir. There is a whole other recording in my drawer that was done in Montreal, back in June 2004, with John Roney on piano and Zack Lober on bass. That will be a project for late 2006.

My daughter, Naomi Lea was here for a two week visit. Great fun was had by all, especially our little doggie Hugo, who welcomed Naomi to the fold with open paws. I drove Naomi down to Buffalo yesterday whence she boarded a flight to Baltimore and back to her stomping grounds in Reykjavik.

Tonight there's a gig in Newmarket at a club called Orleans - a nice place with a decent P.A. and actually run well as a jazz club. Not many of those left. Looking forward to that, though not to the drive up - complicated today by a dusting of snow we are now receiving.

Resolved: hog my blog and dig my gig

Sunday, January 01, 2006

falling hugo