jazz, anger and freezing rain
Well, this morning didn't start very promising. For one thing, I was up at six and wasn't able to go back to sleep...darn! This used to happen very often, daily, in fact, until I was prescribed some magical medication by my marvelous attending physician, Daniela Baloun (alliteration intentional) Apparently, when I refilled my prescription at a different pharmacy last night, they gave me a generic form of the med - unbeknownst to me - and lo and behold, it just didn't do the trick. Now, I realize that generics are supposed to work precisely the same as brand names but...whacha gonna do? This one just didn't. So I'll have it refilled in my usual pharmacy, which may be difficult to get to because of ......THE FREEZING RAIN.....ON TOP OF SNOW.....by golly, slippin' an' slidin' is the order of the day today.
So, I crawl out of bed, all crabby and unrested, turn on the Satan's invention (a.k.a. the P.C.) and there was an email that really got my blood roiling. Not just boiling! Roiling. I'll sketch it out in a few modest sentences. Last September. I get a call. Please write a score for a play. How much? I say. Three hundred CDN, they say. Three fifty, I retort. Done. Wrote the music. Got charged admission to see the play (and hear my music) Three months later. Now the theatre thinks they had overpaid. They're mad. They'd made a bad decision. So now they backstab, write nasty emails to third parties, bitch and complain about GG being a greedy shyster. Not to my face. That would be called "frontstabbing". I say, if the shoe fits....Sum was agreed upon. Work was delivered. No negotiation was attempted. AND THE MONEY IS PITIFUL!!! Anyone else would have gotten charged three times more. Moral? Charge an appropriate sum of money or walk away. And never work for "friends" who will agree to your price, then cut you off in a nasty way. Which I get to know about from a third party email.
Just as I was really getting into feeling lousy, I got a call from my great drummer's mom: "They just played your tune or Jazz FM 91.1! And they mentioned Bohdan's name [the drummer] AND THEY LOVED YOUR WEBSITE and THEY READ YOUR BLOG."
Thank you JAZZ FM and thank you Terrry for liking my recipe and everybody else at the station who has also spun GG music. This is the tune they all love.
And I love all!