Sunday, July 03, 2005


Living is too easy, I guess....writing juices all dried up. All I want to do is sit in a cafe, sip an ice capuccino and watch the pretty girls stroll by in their light dresses and flip flops. Work has been steady and somewhat demanding, with six-set Saturdays at the Distillery and a series of new Sunday house gigs beginning.

Richard Whiteman and I were discussing the differences between various kinds of gigs. We agreed that we didn't mind getting paid less for what we percieve to be "career gigs" but would like to get more for "wallpaper" gigs (a term I learned from Jake Chisholm) The problem is, I think, that you never know where the career gigs will materialize. I've had house gigs which I was convinced would lead to great things, yet they fizzled out like flat club soda. And I had low paying gigs which I was loath to do yet they turned out to be pleasant, rewarding and sometimes led to great contacts and fine work in the future.

I have taken to grabbing my digital camera and lugging it with me everywhere. I like to photograph simple, everyday street scenes and people going about their business. The transformation of Toronto at this time of year from a dull, grey burgh to an almost Mediterranian atmosphere, with full patios and overflowing cafes is just amazing. We all know that here the freezing winds are always just around the corner and so we soak up the hot stuff while we can.

Fish are jumping....